Friday, July 9, 2010

Hope for the newbies... :)

So, when you have decided that virtual work is definitely the path for you. Do you limit yourself to only certain areas? Choose niches that you are familiar with? Or open yourself up to learning new techniques, hence widening the catchment area for your business?
When I first started working through oDesk, I was very unsure of what I could offer to make myself stand out from the crowd. I'm a nifty typist, so I thought maybe data entry or transcription? Not a chance! It seemed like the world and his mother had the same idea, and were willing to do it for less than the cost of a cup of coffee. I couldn't compete with that.
 I had to do a rethink. What else was I good at? I'd been working as a buyer for the past 12 years and had spent a lot of time doing technical writing, tenders, specifications, contracts etc. so I thought, okay, this is what I'm going to concentrate on. Little did I know how quickly that was all going to change.

After landing my first assignment on oDesk, I knew that the only way was up. I finally had the coveted 5* feedback that makes such a difference to landing the good jobs. I came across a post for a travel writer... hmm.... I've travelled, I can write... I'll give it a go! The buyer liked my application letter, I remember even now that I spent more time on that cover letter than any other since or before. I knew in my gut, that this was my calling and that I could do a great job with it. He took a chance on me, he knew I had never written like that before, but I think he too felt my excitement. Within hours of starting the assignment, I had churned out pages and pages of travel articles, they were just pouring out from my fingers to the keyboard without me even thinking. All along, this information had been stored in my head and had just been dying to get out there on paper. I never stopped writing after that.

Shortly afterwards, another travel website spotted my writing on the aforementioned site and got in contact with me, I got an email through the travel site, telling me they loved my writing and would I be willing to write some pieces for them? They too moved to oDesk and we started an illustrious relationship. Things just kept getting better.

I wrote more travel pieces, composed cover letters, designed resumes, wrote sales letters, provided content for over 30 websites and wrote articles for numerous clients. Why didn’t I know I could do this before now?
Before I knew it, I was making plans. Plans to leave my day job and start up my own writing business. I spread the word locally and scored some writing jobs within my own community. All of the feedback I received was extremely positive and things went from strength to strength. 20+ oDesk assignments later and I can tell you it was one of the best moves I ever made. However, as far as I’m concerned I’ve barely scratched the surface yet. The best is yet to come.

All I’ll say to you, is don’t limit yourself. I didn’t know I loved writing, and I certainly never for one moment believed I’d be any good at it. I just took a chance and didn’t close any doors until I had checked them all out. Make yourself different, stand out from the crowd and when you want a job, let the buyer know it, and I mean that, tell them you want it, tell them you can do a great job and tell them that he / she can rely on you.

I’m starting my 23rd oDesk assignment today, and my 24th tomorrow. I’m meeting a new local client on Monday and I’m pushing for a second meeting with another client for Tuesday. All of this has grown from what was just a simple job application on oDesk.

If you put your mind to something you can achieve it, trust in your abilities and know that only you can do your work justice.

Until tomorrow.......


  1. Hi Jo! It's Stef or stephaniechua from oDesk. :)
    Your story is really inspiring and am glad you're on a roll with your work on oDesk. Definitely newbies need some encouraging words and a little push to get started, so I'm sure they'll feel much more comfortable and hopefully ready to make a difference after reading your blog.

    Best of luck!

  2. Hi Stef,

    Many thanks for your kind comments and for dropping by my blog. I do hope that some newbies will take a little bit from this and know that it's not always a struggle once you set your mind to something.


  3. Hi Jo,

    I really enjoyed reading your post. If I were an employer and read a cover letter written like this, I would certainly hire you. BTW, can you show us this cover letter or another one? You will be doing the freelancing world w big favor :-).

